290 Justicia Road, Beitbridge


(+263) 085 2322265, 2323793, 2323362, 2323367, 2323728


All businesses must register with Municipality in terms of section 4 of the Shop Licences Act [Chapter 14:17], to obtain an Operating licence. Existing businesses are required to renew their operating licences every year on the expiry date. If a business has ceased to exist, it is the owners’ responsibility to notify the Council in writing that the business does not operate any more.

The Town Planning Division ensures that the applicant complies with the necessary Zoning and Building Regulations, while the Environmental Health section ensures that the business premises comply with various health and safety codes.

Business, means any activity operated or conducted for the profit or gain of any person, or and includes any profession, occupation, trade or industry. Therefore, businesses that need to be registered include all types of traders, manufacturers, general dealers, home industries, day care centres, service providers and occupations such as builders, architects, plumbers, carpenters, welders and real estate agents.

Depending on the business type, it may be necessary for an applicant to submit a building plan of the intended business, to ensure that the business premises have adequate ventilation and toilet facilities. Applications for an Operating Licence are processed by various departments within the Municipality such as Planning section, Environmental Health and finance department for the payment.